At Last it is the first day of March! The last two months have been dark for many, myself included, not only because of it being winter but also because my Mum passed away on the 5th January, an event which has changed many aspects of my life.
Until you lose someone close you can never really understand how it feels and grief affects different people in different ways, manifesting in all kinds of physical aches, pains and peculiar ailments to which there apparently seems no rhyme or reason, besides the heart rending pain of emotional loss. It is a time when everyone who is grieving should treat themselves gently and allow themselves time to cry, perhaps to be angry but hopefully come to find an acceptance and understanding of an event which is always life changing.
Nothing initially will ever take away the raw pain of loss but burning aromatic essential oils can have a profound effect on the psyche. Burning the following oils either alone or in combination on an incense burner or aromastone is recommended as long as NOT MORE than 6 drops are used at anyone time in a little water.
Cypress: Cleanses the air, lifts the atmosphere and clears any negative energies, associated with having to cope with hospitals, funeral parlours, crematoriums etc. It also has the reputation of bringing about an acceptance of death and was always revered by the ancients as having the ability to carry the soul of the departed on its journey.
Rose: Fills the heart with love and helps us to remember that the essence of our loved one is never lost.
Bergamot: Uplifts the soul and helps to ease depressive states that may descend following the passing of someone close.
Bach Flower Remedies may also help, especially the following:
Sweet Chestnut: For extreme anguish
Star of Bethlehem: For shock
(take these in accordance with instructions on the bottle)
May everyone who is suffering take comfort from the fact that you are not alone and that the Divine essence which resides in nature can help to ease the burden in some small way.