Tomorrow (10th July) heralds two important events. The first is a total solar eclipse at 20.32 and although it will only be visible in the Southern Pacific, Easter Island and parts of South America, its effects will still be felt around the world.
Eclipses are often seen as harbingers of doom and gloom, however this one indicates a time of opportunity, realisation and an awakening to economic, environmental and humanitarian issues.
The New Moon at 20.40 is in the sign of Cancer which encourages us to enjoy our homes and gardens; not too difficult a task at this time of year. It is a time for family get togethers in order to enjoy the pleasures of eating, socialising, talking and listening to each other.
The July moon was known by the Celts as the 'Wort Moon'. Wort was an infusion of ground malt and was combined with yeast to make beer. It was only made at this time of year as the summer sun provided the warmth required for fermentation. Under the Wort Moon movements of the heavens were noted and predictions made.
Lady of the Moon,
Keeper of Secrets,
In many guises,
Through many lifetimes
Have I drunk of your infinite beauty.
I lift my eyes to meet your gaze,
And see life reflected
Through the timeless mirror
Of your cyclic dance.
(From 'Keeper of Secrets' : Mrs Darley's Moon Mysteries)